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In 2004, if you didn't know the name "Buffie the Body" you clearly didn't listen to popular hip-hop, watch any videos or read any hip-hop magazines. When Buffie Carruth burst on the scene in the Tony Yayo and 50 Cent's song "So Seductive" it was clear that there was a new "body" in town. Buffie Carruth quickly racked up video spots, magazine spreads, product endorsements and hosting gigs. In a few short years she became one of the most sought after urban models in the industry. But, in 2007, at the height of her popularity she decided to switch careers from urban modeling to fitness. The popularity of her youtube channel and D.I.Y. workout videos prompted her to launch her own fitness website Bodynomics in 2012 to much success. In a short time Buffie has taken the fitness world by storm with her body affirming message for curvy women everywhere to embrace what they have and strive to be 'fit' not thin. In 2013 Buffie released her first work out video Grade A Glutes along with a line of other products including fabulous work out tee and an exercise band. She recently joined Forty is the New Forty as a fitness contributor and she is talking to us today about her goals for 2014 and her vision for mission of bringing "real fitness for real women' to the world. 

FITNF: I read that Buffie Carruth is your given name, is that right? 


Buffie: Yes it is.


FITNF: Now that Buffie Carruth has emerged as an author, fitness expert and entrepreneur, is 'Buffie the Body' gone forever? 


Buffie: Buffie the Body will always be a part of me but as far as the modeling, magazines and swimsuits; it’s gone.


FITNF: Do you feel the need to distance yourself from that persona now that you have moved out of the field? 


Buffie: I thought I would have to distance myself but because it’s the fitness field, Buffie the Body has helped Bodynomics build a huge fan base.   


FITNF: Your online following is amazing, I actually stumbled upon your YouTube videos about two or three years ago and thought they were great! Your following is largely Black women it seems, do you feel pigeon-holed by that? 


Buffie: Yes, the majority of my following is African American women and I love it! I love the ladies! They inspire me just as much as they claim I inspire them.  I knew before-hand that my audience would be majority Black. I’m totally cool with that!


FITNF: There was a time in the not-so-distant past that women of color with curves were only celebrated within our community, but with the popularity of pop stars like Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce that has changed a lot - but not completely. How has that helped you shape the work you do in fitness? 


Buffie: No Black woman wants to relinquish her curves.  Some of them are even intimidated by exercising in fear of losing their curves. My focus is on black women becoming healthier, being active and holding on to their curves at the same time.


FITNF: In the small group of fitness personalities who do focus on curvy women, most do so from the perspective of so-called 'plus size' women getting in shape, but you also focus on slim women who want to build a curvier physique - where did that come from?  


Buffie: I was skinny at one point in my life so I know how it feels to be ignored because the world feels that skinny women should be happy with being thin. So I can relate.  


FITNF: On a scale from one to ten, what was your level of fear in switching gears from urban modeling to fitness?  Did you factor age at all in your decision?


Buffie: Six. I was somewhat nervous because I knew I wasn’t a size 3 and the fitness industry is dominated by thin white women, but age was never a factor.


FITNF: What is your vision for Bodynomics? How do you plan on growing your brand in 2014?


Buffie: I’ll be adding more products to my company like clothing, DVDs and fitness equipment. I’m also starting a new online training center called Brick Built By Buffie (  Now women can workout with me at their own pace,  anytime,  anywhere.  I focus on weight lifting, weight loss and weight gain. I will also have meal plans for women. 


FITNF: You are a hard working woman and have so much going on right now. How do you unwind? What do you do outside of fitness?  


Buffie: In my leisure time I would like to travel the world more.  I love international traveling.


FITNF: What is your personal mantra or words that you live by?  


Buffie: "Happiness come first!" and "Moderation is healthy!"

Bonus Round


Netflix or Hulu? Neither. I’m not a movie watcher.


Lemonade or Sweet Tea?  Lemonade


Kale or Spinach?  Spinach


Knee length pencil skirt or Tulle mini skirt?  Knee length pencil


Burpees or Tricep Dips? Both :-)             

Forty is the New Forty (Fitness)
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