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...forty *is* the new forty



Most women under forty and over 35 have some thoughts or feelings about the big 4-0 milestone and it seems like the prevailing thoughts and feelings fall in to two catagories: 'avoiding like the plague' or 'embracing with open arms.' This site is for both groups. was created to celebrate alongside the woman who is embracing this new phase of her life and for the sister who hasn't quite settled into the idea of leaving her thirties behind. For the women in the latter position, part of our mission is to show all of the upsides to being in the '40 and over club' while helping to navigate everything else. This is a destination for inspiration and commiseration. We know that life doesn't end at forty. Everything fierce, fabulous and fly about you before 40 only grows after you've reached this mile marker. In fact, what we see more and more is life *starting* at 40 for many, many women.


From new moms to empty nesters, newlyweds to divorcees and 'co-workers' to enterprenuers - there is something for everyone on this site. The name Forty is the New Forty is a deliberate recognition of the fact that we are exactly where we want to be. I mean, who really wants to be Forever 21? No matter what your age you should practice being present. Looking too far ahead or too far behind is the surest way to miss all of the splendor that is right in front of you. Your 40s can be as wonderful, adventurous, exciting, and life-changing as you make them. And for the moments that don't fall into any of those catagories, you have a whole community here who gets it. Welcome to the family.  








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