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So I'm sitting in my office (at home), as I am most evenings, and I get a call from my homegirl asking if I would like two tickets to see Angelique Kidjo at the Prince Theater in...30 minutes. I say ABSOLUTELY and hop up from my desk and tell my baby girl to get dressed. Since I live walking distance from the Prince we were ready and out of the door inside of fifteen minutes and at the theater in NO time. I have loved Angelique Kidjio since I first discovered her back in the early 90s when she burst on the (American) scene with her colorful video BatongaI have never seen her perform live so I jumped at the chance. When I tell you that she did. not. disappoint. it is an understantemnt. Most of the music was from her newly released album Eve, but she revisited 


My daughter and I sat and listened and sang along and danced in our seats and generally got out life. And then, just when we were ready to burst from excitement, Angelique Kidjo, this 53-year old ball of energy, invited members from the audience on stage. I don't think we even blinked before I grabbed my baby girl's hand and ran to the stage. What happened next is the stuff that makes for great stories, with good friends and bottles of wine. A kind gentleman in the audience captured the moment and I'm sharing it with you. I'm the one in the green at about 2:17 and my daughter comes in at 334. 


All forty everything. 

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