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There are TONS and TONS of weight loss regimens out there. Some are legitimate and others are royal waste of time - we are here to help you sort through the muckity-muck. No one thing works for every person and obsessing about weight loss by jumping from one fad to the next is a surefire way to NOT lose weight and to lose sight of (what should be) your ultimate goal: being healthy. 


With that said, we hope this helps. If you have any experience with something featured in our "Have You Tried This" section, please feel free to share your thoughts or testimony in the comment section! 

Shawn T, the buffed body fitness guru who bought us Hip-Hop Abs and the ever-popular Insanity, has a new program through BeachBody called Focus T-25. This program is designed for people who don't have a full hour to work out, but can find just 25 minutes every day to devote to exercise. Unlike some of the other work out routines it's very focused for the entire 25 minutes with no breaks. 


Be clear, it's hard. But it's doable. 


I wouldn't recommend this to anyone just starting out. If you are new to fitness and exercise or you have been away for some time, you may want to work your way up to this one. If you have tried other, similar types of workouts (P90X, Insanity, Jillian Michaels) than this is a great alternative. It's fast paced, but there is a great moderator for every level. 


The price varies. It costs about $120 but it can be broken into three payments of $40 each. 


I'm currently doing T-25 for the next six weeks. I'll report back on my progress. 


What about you? Have any of you tried Focus T-25? What kind of results did you get? Would you recommmend it? 

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